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Skills, Class & Cross-Class


A number of the following skills may be removed from the game. If they are, when they are, any and all skill points spent on those skills will be reimbursed to the player's skill points to be spent on other remaining skills.

Alchemy is currently used in the use of the ALCHEMY command, which grants more potent results with higher skill.

Animal Empathy
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

While using the APPRAISE command, this skill allows you a better sense of an object's value.

Slightly improves the ability to sneak around and steal from people. This skill is also used during the Zackilten's Legacy quest.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

This skill is only used during the Zackilten's Legacy quest and otherwise has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Raises your awareness when being stolen from (or when someone else is being stolen from).

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will likely be removed as individual trade skills produce creation effects.

Decipher Script
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

Disable Device
Used to disable and disengage traps on treasure chests. Other possible applicable uses.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

Escape Artist
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will likely be removed and replaced with a trade skill producing a simular effect.

Gather Information
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

Handle Animal
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will likely be removed and replaced with a trade skill producing a simular effect.

Use of this skill allows a player to develop more powerful healing potions in alchemy. Much more use will come from this skill when the Healer class is released.

For use with the HIDE command, this skill allows a player to attempt to hide in front of creatures and other players as well as staying hidden.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Intuit Direction
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Knowledge (Arcana)
When studying magical devices, this skill makes it easier for arcane-based spells to be known on such device. When witnessing spell preparation, this skill makes it easier for arcane-based spells to be recognized.

Knowledge (Nature)
When studying magical devices, this skill makes it easier for life-based spells to be known on such device. When witnessing spell preparation, this skill makes it easier for life-based spells to be recognized.

Knowledge (Religion)
When studying magical devices, this skill makes it easier for divine-based spells to be known on such device. When witnessing spell preparation, this skill makes it easier for divine-based spells to be recognized.

Knowledge (All Skills)
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Raises your awareness of other people hiding around you and trying to steal from you (or from someone else).

Move Silently
Allows you to move from room to room silently as well as gives synergy bonuses to skills that are performed while hidden.

Open Locks
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will likely be removed and replaced with a trade skill producing a simular effect.

Pick Pockets
Used by the STEAL command to help you steal from players and certain creatures.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. There are no future developments planned for this skill.

Planned: This skill will be removed completely.

Read Lips
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will likely be removed and replaced with a trade skill producing a simular effect.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Helps you find hidden people and creatures in a room as well as hidden entrances and exits.

Sense Motive
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Speak Language
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will probably be removed completely. No replacement is to be expected.

Assists in the recognition of spells on devices when appraised and when other players cast spells in your vicinity.

Automatically helps you notice activities taking place in the shadows around you, such as people moving around while hidden and theft.

Helps negotiate swift currents in areas where swimming is necessary to move from area to area.

This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online. Future developments for this skill are forthcoming.

Use Magic Device
Greatly assists in identifying spells and magical effects surrounding magical objects when appraised.

Use Rope
This skill currently has no use in Eaxia Online.

Planned: This skill will likely be removed and replaced with a trade skill producing a simular effect.

Wilderness Lore
Assists in foraging, not only in how frequently you find what you are seeking, but the quality of those items.

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