a treasure filled chest miniature.
Cost 10, Generator
Special: Owning player gains 2 extra gold per turn throughout the game.
an artificer's workshop miniature.
Cost 5, Generator
Special: Controlling player may heal any damaged Construct(Mechanical) under their control of 2 points. That piece may not go above its maximum HP. This ability may only be used once per turn.
a dragon's lair miniature.
Cost 10, Generator
Special: Owning player can summon one Dragon type minion to the game per turn. The cost of the figure must be four or less.
a dark foreboding cave miniature
Cost 10, Generator
Special: Owning player can summon 1 goblin type minion to the game per turn. The goblin figure must have a cost of 3 or less.
a mountainous cavern miniature.
Cost 8, Generator
Special: Owning player gains 3 gold per turn.
a skeleton strewn boneyard miniature.
Cost 10, Generator
Special: Owning player can summon 1 undead type minion to the game per turn. The undead figure must have a cost of 4 or less.
a tidal pool miniature.
Cost 10, Generator
Special: All of your Elemental(Water) pieces gains an additional 1 to their attack value and an additional 1 to their defense value.
an elemental well
Cost 10, Generator
Special: Owning player may summon any Elemental piece into play once per turn. The summoned piece must have a cost less that 4.
a gold mine miniature
Cost 10, Generator
Special: Owning player can summon one goblin type minion to the game per turn. The cost of the figure must be three or less. As long as the owner has only goblins in play, add one gold to the owner's gold pool per turn.
a barnacle-covered treasure chest miniature
Cost 10, Pirate Generator
Special: Owning player can pull forth 5 gold coins a turn.