Depending on what weapon you use, your roundtime can differ greatly. Below I have listed
the stats that are required to have the best roundtime for a weapon as well as the next-
to-best roundtime for a weapon (+1 second).
Against mobs, your roundtime is determined by the weight of your main weapon along with
your stats, while against players, your roundtime is determined by the weight of both of
your weapons along with your stats. (Single-weilding is faster against players, but not
against mobs)
With weapons as light as titanium longswords, you can have a 1 second roundtime single-
weilding against other players, but the lowest roundtime you can have against mobs is 2
Stats for best roundtime:
(1 second with titanium longsword, 2 seconds with adamantine longsword, etc.)
24 strength
20 agility
16 stamina
Stats for next-to-best roundtime (+1 second):
(2 seconds with titanium longsword, 3 seconds with adamantine longsword, etc.)
20 strength
16 agility
14 stamina
So equipped with adamantine longswords and the best stats your roundtimes would be:
Single-weilding against mobs: 2 seconds
Dual-weilding against mobs: 2 seconds
Single-weilding against other players: 2 seconds
Dual-weilding against other players: 4 seconds
(you have to add the weapon roundtimes together)
And equipped with titanium longswords and the best stats your roundtimes would be:
Single-weilding against mobs: 2 seconds (lowest available against mobs)
Dual-weilding against mobs: 2 seconds
Single-weilding against other players: 1 second
Dual-weilding against other players: 2 seconds
Special thanks goes out to Malachi and Chrysagon for letting me swing weapons at them
when we had nothing better to do.
See also Zombie Stats.